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Hanging up on Spam Calls

Hanging up on Spam Calls!

Spam calls are a nuisance. Plain and simple. According to a recent report cited in TheWashington Post, Americans received 26.3 billion robocalls in 2018. It’s safe to say that spam calls are on the rise.

Scammers have been known to prey on those who wouldn’t describe themselves as “tech savvy” and try to gain access to their computers. From there, scammers are only one browser-saved password away from full bank account access.

Luckily there is something we can do about it. Though most cellular providers can add call protection for an additional cost per month, Truecaller can do it for free. Truecaller is an app available on iOS and Android that blocks spam calls and text messages. I just installed it myself. You can download it here.

We may never be able to block all spam calls, but I’m looking forward to fewer interruptions. How will you use your new quiet time?

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